According to the polls, the upcoming 2024 UK General Election is a done deal.
But the campaign itself will be a wild and ugly war.
Here's why:
1️⃣ The campaign spending cap is set to DOUBLE
2️⃣ Regulatory laws around online political ads remains WEAK
3️⃣ Political ADs will end up on TV - like it or not!
According to reports, ITV might welcome political parties advertising on its streaming platform, ITVX.
Since 1955, political parties have been banned from buying television ads in the UK. However, there’s a loophole …
The law applies to traditional channels, not television streamed over the internet. This means streaming platforms are exempt.
With profits down 61% in 2023, can ITV really afford to turn down the cash?
On the subject of money, the amount political parties can spend on the General Election is about to increase from £19.5m to £35m.
Brace yourselves for a deluge of online political ads the moment the 2024 Election is called.
Pay particular attention to TikTok.
Seriously ... do not underestimate TikTok. It was hugely impactful in last year's election win for Christopher Luxton and New Zealand's National Party. Study Topham Guerin’s campaign.
And remember ...
UK regulation is still playing catch-up with online ad campaigns, leaving the door wide open for disruption and mischief.
If the ongoing London Mayoral campaign is anything to go by, The Tories are ready to skirt the rules to dominate the narrative.
Was the recent 'London crime' video (which included footage of NYC) an accident?
Or was it strategy knowing the attention it would generate?
Given where The Tories are in the polls ... Given their strategy is likely to damage limitation ...
I’d bet on seeing:
More guerrilla tactics (and viral ‘oopsies’)
High volume, low cost vids across social
Rishi Sunak battle dancing on TikTok (we can but dream)
One thing’s for sure - it's going to be a rollercoaster! 🎢
Link to original article about ITVX: